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Tracking monthly expenses – Payments

The app should be very straightforward, and intuitive, but lets run through it fast. It was created to hold information about monthly recurring payments, to have an overview in a glimpse, what were payed and what have to be. Also a sum, to add up all the unpaid amounts.

Available in Android Market

Lets see the screens and functions in a bit bigger detail:

First screen in app

The first screen shown the overview, first line is always the sum, this cannot be scrolled away, even when there are too many lines for display.

All white lines are unpaid, they have to be accounted for in the current month, and all grey lines have been payed already.

The state can be toggled for the amount with a small tap on any of the lines.

~10 lines are on the screen at once, but there is no limitation (only available memory) on how many lines can be handled.

New item add and edit item

All items have three properties:

  • name – self-explanatory
  • amount – self-explanatory
  • comment – can add some grouping into the list

New items can also be added on this screen. Name and Comment open up soft-keypad in alphabetical mode, but Amount calls for a number-input one.

Menu on display

The apps menu has four options. Two of them require only short mentioning.

Reset is used to set all amount into ‘not-payed’ state at the start of a new month, so there is no need to toggle each payed-one separately.

‘New item…’ call up the item editor with empty input fields, as well as a tap on the main screen’s empty spaces (usually below the last line, if there is spare space)

The two other will be shown later on with screenshot.

About box

About box holds only a small reminder what the app was designed for, and a link to this homepage for future reference.

There is also a small line to give credit to the original father-of-the-idea :]

Settings screen

The only meaningful setting is a sorting selector, very self-explanatory. At least the first three should cause no problem to guess what they are used for :]

The fourth one is a bit more tricky. This has an own screenshot for itself, the last one. Description beside.

After sorting on amount

If we select a sorting method, the list will be sorted according, and any new item added will be inserted at the correct place. The image at the left shows the test data rendered in an order by amount.

Two more items set to payed

Just to have all functionality on display, I gave a small tap to two of the unpayed items, the got marked grey as payed, and the sum is immediately updated also.

Context menu with manual selectors

At first sight it looks manual sorting method does nothing. This is halfway true. It keeps the previous sorting on the list, but enables manual selectors to move the items up and down.

These ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ selectors only appear in manual sorting mode, and when applicable. For example, you cannot move the first one any more up, so there is only a ‘Down’ if you select the first one.

I hope this small introduction gave you a good overview of the application. You can send me any suggestions and ideas, as well as bug reports through the comments.

Available in Android Market

Available in Android Market

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