mysql_auth v0.8.4
Squid HTTP proxy MySQL authentication module
Andras Miko
Wed May 20 17:00:00 CET 2009

Originally developed by: Ervin Hegedus



The original developer of this package is Ervin Hegedus. He abandoned the development five years ago, so there remained one task in the TODO list.
Most of the work was done by him, so i won't steal his idea and present it as my own. I've merely needed a digest algorithm, so i had to implement one. These parts belong to me, as well, as the problems about them.
Original words are painted grey, code snippets with grey-background, new comments and code parts are written in green fore- and background.

The previous version of this readme can be found here.


This is an authentication module for the Squid proxy server to authenticate users on an mysql database. The database is a single table, and the table is a very simple user-password pair, with plain or encrypted passwords.
There is a utility, called by mypasswd. With this you can add a new user to your pasword database, update it or delete from. It uses the configuration file, what mysql_auth.

Usage is simple. It accepts a username and password on standard input. It will return OK if the username/password is valid, or ERR if there was some problem. Check syslog messages for reported problems.

mypasswd is also a very simple program: simply type mypasswd with no arguments, and it gives you help about itself. Note, these are the examples about it:

shell> mypasswd user password

add a new user if it doesn't exist, or update its password. This form of mypasswd also makes it:

shell> mypasswd user
Enter NEW password:
Re-enter NEW password:
Password record ADDED succesfully.

And you can delete a user from database, like this:

shell> mypasswd -d user

mysql_auth is released under the GNU General Public License and is available from .

Mysql_auth tested with MySQL 3.23, 4.0.XX, 5.0.X on Linux and FreeBSD os's.


Make any changes to the source code you need. For example, set up correctly place of configuration file. See that in define.h.

Review the Makefile, and modify based on target platform or site requirements. Setting up the mysql.h header and libmysqlclients.a places. Setting up your squid user and group accounts, and squid root directory.

Setting up correctly the permissions of mysql_auth.conf (mode 600)!
This is very important! This file included a mysql account, with select, update, insert and delete privileges!
Also very important: if you use mysql.log, be very carefull! It contains all transactions! For example:

52 Query       UPDATE data SET password = password ("1234") WHERE user LIKE 'airween'

After when you edit what you want, type 'make', then 'make install', then 'make clean'.

'Make install' will put 'mysql_auth' into /usr/local/squid/libexec default, and 'mysql_auth.conf' to /usr/local/squid/etc.

Create database

For store user and password pairs, you need a database, like mysql. It is very simple, one-table database. For create it, you need to run create_script from path/to/your/source/scripts directory.

You can create it like this:

shell> cd path/to/mysql_auth-source/scripts
shell> mysql -u your_user_name -p < create_script
Enter password: <type your password>

To add a user:

shell> mysql -u your_user_name -p mysql_auth
Enter password:
Welcome message...

mysql> insert into data (user, password) values ('joeav', 'joespass');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


or if you want to store your passwords in encrypted format:

shell> mysql -u your_user_name -p mysql_auth
Enter password:
Welcome message...

mysql> insert into data (user, password) values ('joeav', password("joespass"));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


Or try mypasswd:

shell> mypasswd joeav joespass

That's it!

Note: if you set up in mysql_auth.conf the encrypt_password_form to 'yes', mypasswd also uses encrypt form.

Hopefully nobody has problems compiling mysql_auth, and create_script.

Issues when compiling

The Makefile uses the GCC compiler, and assumes that it is in the current PATH. Mysql_auth is known to compile properly on Debian Linux 3.1 without problems. Other operating systems are untested, but use a recent copy of the GNU C compiler.

Problem occur, when you can't setting up mysql header and/or library correctly.
Other, if you use MySQL 4.0 or above, may be you need to use in CFLAGS -lz at last.

Configuration file

Mysql_auth uses a configuration file. It reads just every startup, not every query. The file is /usr/local/squid/etc/mysql_auth.conf. If this path needs to be changed, see define.h.

#define CONFIG_FILE   "/usr/local/squid/etc/mysql_auth.conf"

An example configuration file is provided. It looks like

# hostname
# where is the mysql server - the server hostname or IP address;
# first 'hostname' directive, and after space(s) or tab(s) its
# value
# default:
hostname        localhost

# user
# which user can connect to database
# default:
user            squid

# password
# user's password for database, that store the accounts
# default:
password        squid

# database
# mysql database name, where accounts places are
# default:
database        mysql_auth

# mysql socket
# if mysqld doesn't use INET socket, you must to set this parameter
# where is the location of mysqld socket; if mysqld use INET socket,
# put NULL value
# default:
mysqld_socket   /tmp/mysqld.sock

# next three directives tells what will the select query,
# like this:
# SELECT * FROM table WHERE user_column LIKE "username" AND password_column LIKE "password"
# where username and password comes from client in HTTP header,
# and user_column and password_column is the columns name in table
# this is an easy way to tune this program to your existing database

# table
# the table name, where accounts exist in user-password pair
# default:
table           data

# user_column
# user column name in table
# if you already have a database, what contains user-password
# pair, you can set it here
user_column     user

# password_column
# password column name in table
# like user column name above
password_column         password

# encrypt_password_form
# passwords can be stored three different ways
# 'NO' -> plain text in each row
# 'BACKEND' -> using  mysql's 'password()'
# 'MD5' -> using the md5 digest algorithm
# 'MD5CRYPT' -> using the algorithm known in postfixadmin
# Squid and clients doesn't use encrypt form!
# The value is case insensitive (NONE/none or not one of these).
# For backward compatibility, default is 'NO'.
# and 'YES' means 'BACKEND'
encrypt_password_form   NO

These values are defaults, when you don't set other, mysql_auth wants to work with these.

All comments start with '#'. Empty line allowed.

When a user provides a username/password, mysql_auth querys from mysql server. It stops after a user has been successfully authenticated. Make sure the server can be reached and is active, or else mysql_auth will return all with errors!

Modification from 0.8!

The database has a third field, default name squidactive. It is a tinyint(1) type field. With this value can an access be temporary closed, without the need to delete the user.
The default value is 1, so it won't affect everyday rutines if not used.

This field can also be configured for any other from the same table, with the following configuration value:

# squidactive_column
squidactive_column	squidactive

Squid.conf changes

Refer to Squid documentation for the required changes to squid.conf. You will need to set the following lines to enable authentication for your access list -

acl <yourACL> proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow password
http_access allow <yourACL>
http_access deny all

You will also need to review the following directives. The number of mysql_auth children spawned is set with authenticate_children. The number of children needed is site-dependent, so some experimentation may be required to find the best number.

auth_param basic realm Squid proxy server
auth_param basic program /usr/local/squid/libexec/mysql_auth
auth_param basic credentialsttl 5
auth_param basic children 5


I strongly urge that mysql_auth is tested prior to being used in a production environment. It may behave differently on different platforms. To test it, run it from the command line. Enter username and password pairs separated by a space.

It should behave in the following way -

- Press ENTER to get an OK or ERR message.
- Make sure pressing CTRL-C aborts the program.
- Test that entering no details results in an ERR message.
- Test that entering an invalid username and password results in an ERR message.
- Test that entering an valid username and password results in an OK message.

Usernames cannot have whitespace in them, passwords can.

If you have any problem until you test it, see your syslog for details.

Contact details

To contact the maintainer of this package, email Ervin Hegedus at airween a.t arxnet d.o.t hu
... or with questions regarding the md5 and/or md5crypt algorithms email Andras Miko at info a.t mikoandras d.o.t hu.

Also I have a nice mailing list:

Remark: the mailing list doesn't seem to work, but i won't remove it, because it may be come back online.

Good Luck! :)